Sant Llorenç de Balàfia
This is the only village in the municipality of Sant Joan that does not have a coastal area, as it is located in the centre of the island. It has a scattered population, with only the church and some public and commercial buildings.
The construction of the church began in 1785, on the orders of the first bishop of Ibiza, Abad y Lasierra, and was completed in 1797. While the building work was underway, religious ceremonies were held in a nearby house with a defence tower. It is a building with a single arch at the entrance that leads to the typical portico. It has a single nave and seven side chapels, the last of which was added in the 19th century.
Balàfia, on the outskirts of the village, is a small village made up of the typical houses characteristic of Pitiusa architecture with towers of Arab origin, considered a national monument of great architectural value. These towers were once built by peasant families who lived in the houses surrounding them, as defence towers where they hid and defended themselves from the numerous Turkish attacks on the island. They are currently inhabited by families who have owned them since ancient times.