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Cala Carbó
Sant Josep de sa Talaia

Cala Carbó

Cala Carbó is at 9 km away from San Josep de sa Talaia, between Caló de sOratge and Cala Truja. . 1 km after Sant Josep we reach a crossroads where we take the road to the left towards Sant Antoni. Road access is simple following the signs and detours. It also can be accessed by public transport up to Cala Vadella and doing the rest of the way walking. Its name references to the usage of wood from this area that the local coal merchants and woodcutters performed. On its north side there is a small landing dock that uses to shelter zodiacs and small boats. It is a good place for diving in any of its disciplines. This sea inlet (85 metres wide at the entrance) has enough conditions for anchoring small boats. Navigators are recommended to anchor in the first half of the cove, on the sandy, rock and algae ground with a depth of about 5 metres. In conclusion, it is a great option to come with children, the cove still has a lush green mass and crystal clear and shallow wate


Playa con servicio de alquiler de hamacas
Playa con servicio de restaurante


Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza (Island of Ibiza Tourism Development) is an association founded by a group of forward-looking people who set themselves the task of stimulating, promoting and developing the island's budding tourist industry.