Cala Boix
Cala Boix is at 5 km away from Sant Carles de Peralta, located between Caló Roig and Cap Roig. You have to follow the Sant Carles road until you come to “Bar Anita”. Keep going for another 1.5 km and you will see a road off to the left which leads to this “cala” or small bay. This cove is a U-shape sea inlet which is not developed and ends in a mid-size slope with fine-grained dark sand. To access the beach there are some steep stairs, which have been carved in the rock directly and so, are not suitable for disabled and elderly people. The sandy ground, except on the left side where there are some rocks, has a very slight slope (at 25 metres from the shore there is a deep of 25 metres). It is recommended for navigators to anchor their boats at one hectometre away from shore. Road access is simple if signs and detours are followed. The private vehicle can be park free of charge in the surroundings, since the last stretch of the track should be performed walking. It can also be reached by bike or using the public transport, whose nearest bus stop is located in Sant Carles de Peralta, one hour's walk.
Information provided by the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Council