Es Xarco
Es Xarcu or es Xarco is located at 10 km from San Josep de sa Talaia. To get to the beach take the road from Porroig. Es Xarcu is off to your left about 3 km from the village of Sant Josep.Road access is simple following the signs and detours. The last 2 km shall be done through a good condition track and a winding path with steep slope. The private vehicle can be parked free of charge in the surroundings. This cove is located between Punta de Porroig and Punta des Jondal that close the U-shaped big bay of Porroig.
This quiet beach is characterized by having medium size, toasted sand and gentle slope, spread of boats stranded on the sand or stalling in the water over a sandy ground and familiar environment. Another feature of this area is the water and seabed, it is an excellent place for snorkelling and diving, besides this water explains the fact that near the shore there is a cane, pines and savins.
This is an optimal cove for anchoring and there is a restaurant. It is a very familiar cove.