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Eleven / Ibiza Sostenible


Eleven is a creative LAB, that develops ideas, programs and experiences, aimed at promoting through innovation and knowledge, sustainability, accessibility and experiences with purpose. At Eleven, we pay special attention to the environmental and social aspect, to ensure that we produce a legacy that allows present and future generations to be proud of our decisions. The first spanish creative agency that belongs to the world's largest initiative in sustainable development, the United Nations Global Compact, and since 2019, the first company in the Balearic Islands to obtain the BCorp international certification, a global movement of more than 2500 companies in 50 countries and 130 sectors with a single goal: that one day all companies compete to be the best for the world, and as a result, society walks towards higher standards of shared and lasting well-being.

Eleven goes beyond the objective of generating economic profit and innovates to maximize its positive impact on the local community and the environment, with the highest standards of social and ecological performance. With activities and programs such as Ibiza Sostenible, Plogging Tour, Recicl-ARTE, Circular Thinking or #Restaura Coral & Posidonia, Eleven ensures the generation of a positive impact for society and the environment, and promotes the collaboration with public and private entities for a common interest and sustainable development.

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Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

About Us

Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza (Island of Ibiza Tourism Development) is an association founded by a group of forward-looking people who set themselves the task of stimulating, promoting and developing the island's budding tourist industry.